Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Cayman Islands Trip
Earlier this month I had the pleasure of visiting the Cayman Islands for a week of rest and relaxation...what a great trip, I absolutely love this place! While out walking with my friend Steve, who has been here several times before, he told me that he really loves coming here....I added that it felt very detached without feeling like you were in a third world country...he agreed emphatically.The resort was great, we stayed at the Grand Caymanian, which is now owned by the Holiday Inn Resorts...great location, great service, great food and great weather! Restaurants on the island are plentiful, but my best recommendation is Casanova by the Sea and for fun...Margaritaville of course!
Real estate here is a bit on the expensive side, but if you were to buy for the purpose renting, you'll do just fine. I checked a few places for rent and for sale while I was there and found that the few places I checked out were booked pretty solid for 3 months out and were getting a very good price by the week. Grand Cayman is definitely on my radar.
There's plenty do here and you can't beat the business services available...everyone knows that it is great banking haven, and setting up an IBC here is still a great opportunity.
We went snorkeling with Captain Marvin's Charters (none of us are scuba divers) and had an extraordinary day...visited the famous Stingray City and snorkeled at a few reef-side stops. Our crew was fantastic and made every effort to make sure everyone enjoyed themselves.There is no question that I will be back next year!! Drop me an email or leave a comment here if you're interested in buying property here, I am discussing an agreement with one of the islands top developers with some real nice condo developments under construction now!
Cayman Islands,
Grand Cayman,
Stingray City
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Default Already!!!
The article below is not mine (and is used with permission), but I figured with all the Jimmy Buffett fans I have reading my blog, y'all would get a kick out of it...after all....at what other time in history has the government and an administration been described by the lyrics in one of Jimmy's songs...? Enjoy the sad truth in this article!!!
Default Already!
By Jeff D. Opdyke, Editor of Profit Seeker
Dear Sovereign Investor,
We should have defaulted.
Regardless of the short-term pain – regardless of the financial destruction on Wall Street, the loss of faith in the dollar, the loss of face for America – a default would have served us well in the long run.
I don’t say that to be contrary or combative. I say it because it would have been the best outcome for our country. We are treading the wrong path financially. I know that. You know that. Every American who pays taxes and is continually disappointed by the spending priorities in Congress and the White House knows that. And, yet, the people who hold political power in Washington, D.C., don’t even attempt to rearrange the deck chairs while the Titanic sinks. All they can think to do is fight over which piece of the boat they want – as though there’s going to be any boat left to fight over.
Simply put: America is not the country we think she is, not anymore. She is a sinking ship … an empire in its death throes … a former supermodel wasted by too many cocaine-and-vodka benders who refuses to acknowledge that she’s no longer super – nor a model. To some, such criticism of America will seem impolitic; some might call me unpatriotic. But facts are facts, and the fact is that America is sick, and the sooner we default, the sooner the healing can begin.
Remember “civilized” America?
In an era when taxes are on the march upward… the government is allowed to spy and pry to an unprecedented degree… and a devaluing dollar is draining your spending power…
You should know: You don’t have to sit idly by and watch your income, your nest egg, or your freedoms erode.
There are safe havens…
If there’s a theme song to modern America, I’m convinced it’s Jimmy Buffett’s “A Pirate Looks at Forty,” a melancholy recognition that time passes you by, and that some of the choices you make in life lead you to the destination you find yourself at unexpectedly.
"I made enough money to buy Miami, but I pissed it away so fast."
"Never meant to last. Never meant to last."
Sad to think that for half a century we owned the world, but lost it all. We stopped fascism. We stopped communism. We gave the world a global currency. We built up the world’s largest currency reserves, and accumulated the world’s largest gold reserves.
And then, like that down-and-out, middle-aged pirate, we pissed it all away.
Now, we find ourselves one of history’s saddest tragedies, a fallen giant felled by his own recklessness and arrogance. We slough through life, burdened by more than $125 trillion in debt, the largest debtor the world has ever known. Our tax system is broken. Our education system is broken. Our welfare system is broken, and will drag us further into desperate straits in coming years. Our political system is broken. Our monetary system is broken.
We are broken.
We are a cancer patient, our collective corpus shot through with destructive cells. But aside from the occasional dustup in D.C. to remind us that we’re terminal, our politicians just pump more and more morphine into the system to keep the body happy for a while longer, never willing to accept the fact that the cancer is consuming us and that it will kill our country at some point. They haven’t the willpower necessary to confront the pain. Maybe they’re naïve enough to believe that the snake oil they peddle to us is real, that they really can reduce the debt over time, cut back wasteful and efficient spending, and return America to a path of fiscal prudence.
We know in our core that the politicians and presidents who tell us that are lying.
And, yet, we blithely pretend the lie is a truth. We have to believe it. We can’t construct the reality that we want to believe any other way. We can’t accept that the status quo we think we know – that America is the richest country on Earth and the greatest political system ever – might actually be a grand illusion.
It was true at one point. We were the richest country. And we did have the greatest political economy man has ever devised. And we can have it again. But the cancerous cocktail of debt and the politics of self-interest destroyed those strengths long ago. Now we survive, from one fiscal crisis to another, on borrowed money and borrowed time, like a terminally ill patient forever strapped to life support.
Like watching that terminal loved one suffer through the final stages of death, you reach a point where you just pray the oxygen runs out. It’s not for lack of love. It’s not a sense of heartlessness. You just know everyone is better off.
We’ve reached that point.
We Can be Better …
As it stands now, we sidestepped default – again. But, again, it’s only temporary. The Reid-McConnell compromise simply raises the debt ceiling for a few months and pushes the fight into 2014, when, once again, we will stand on the precipice of an abyss as Republicans and Democrats spar over extremist views of how to run and fund a country.
And the cycle will repeat, over and over again, until a financial crisis or, more likely, a currency crisis imperils our country, our dollar and our already-declining standard of living.
So why continue to delay the inevitable?
We should attack the cancer.
We should default already.
That would begin to clear the system. Like a company or a family emerging from bankruptcy, we would have a clean slate again. We could arrange our financial affairs more realistically. We could stop worrying about our role as a global currency and begin to focus on building a better America.
Certainly, that prescription is painful. Some – maybe all – politicians would lose their jobs to a population enraged by such a course of action. Stock and bond markets would heave and convulse, temporarily. Our cost of living would rise, in the short run. And America’s standing in the world would decline, for a while and for the better. But someone has to be an adult. Someone has to tell America that the pixie dust Congress continues to sprinkle on the nation is a placebo. We will never heal as an economy until we take the real and necessary medicine.
The people who honestly appraise our situation know in their guts that a default is the likeliest outcome for America, at some point. We’ve already crossed that Rubicon, though we like to pretend we’re still masters of our destiny. We’re not. We are, instead, slaves to our debt-addled balance sheet and the obligations we’ve piled onto our own backs. Through no action other than default can we begin to manage the financial strain we are under.
The sooner we purposefully choose to default, the sooner we can begin to rebuild what we’ve torn asunder over all these years and decades. We can be a better America. We can return to a position of power and strength. We can regain the respect we’ve lost and the financial security we destroyed with debt. We have the economy, the knowledge base and the entrepreneurial spirit to reclaim what we pissed away.
Yet, without a default to cleanse our fiscal sins, we are but a melancholy pirate, wistfully hoping for better days, but in moments of lucidity painfully aware of the sad truth:
"I have been drunk now for over two weeks."
"I passed out and I rallied and I sprung a few leaks."
"But I've got to stop wishin', got to go fishin'."
"I'm down to rock bottom again."
"Just a few friends. Just a few friends …"
Until next time, stay Sovereign …
Jeff D. Opdyke
Editor, Profit Seeker
P.S. I’ve been preparing my subscribers for America’s financial day of reckoning for some time now. You can learn all about my “Beyond America” profit strategies, and those of the 20-plus investment experts at this year’s Total Wealth Symposium, by clicking here.
Jimmy Buffett,
offshore investing,
tax haven
Friday, May 24, 2013
Belize Retirement Program
If you are considering a retirement in Belize here are some of the retirement program advantages in Belize
To attract foreign investment Belize has created a program to reduce taxes and simplify residency for North Americans wanting to live part-time or full-time in Belize. The program is called the Qualified Retired Persons (QRP) program. You only need to be 45 years old to take advantage of the incentives and are only required to live in Belize for a total of 30 days each the year, which can be split across several visits. Qualified retirees are eligible for benefits including expedited residency status and various tax exemptions.
So...if this is your vision of retirement, you owe it to yourself to check out the advantages in Belize
Details on the program are available at www.belizeretirement.org. The site is hosted by the Belize Tourism Board, which administers the QRP program.
If you are interested in funding the start-up costs of a part-time business in Belize, take a look at how to utilize your own IRA funds to accomplish it!
Hit 'em straight!
To attract foreign investment Belize has created a program to reduce taxes and simplify residency for North Americans wanting to live part-time or full-time in Belize. The program is called the Qualified Retired Persons (QRP) program. You only need to be 45 years old to take advantage of the incentives and are only required to live in Belize for a total of 30 days each the year, which can be split across several visits. Qualified retirees are eligible for benefits including expedited residency status and various tax exemptions.
So...if this is your vision of retirement, you owe it to yourself to check out the advantages in Belize

Details on the program are available at www.belizeretirement.org. The site is hosted by the Belize Tourism Board, which administers the QRP program.
If you are interested in funding the start-up costs of a part-time business in Belize, take a look at how to utilize your own IRA funds to accomplish it!
Hit 'em straight!
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
TripAdvisor ranks Ambergris Caye #1
My infatuation with Belize began a few years ago and did not start with Ambergris Caye....it started with Orchid Bay in the Corozal District...but I have since fallen for Ambergris Caye which is now my targeted retirement locale. In this year's TripAdvisor Top 10 Islands ~WORLDWIDE~ my favorite is numero uno! I've met quite a few expats living there, at least part time and they absolutely love it.
One of those individuals is Paul at Belize Shores Realty; Paul has helped me understand life on Ambergris Caye a bit better even
if only through his eyes and observations...he's helped me identify a
few different businesses available for purchase as well.
The 9 runner's up according to TripAdvisor, are:
2.) St John, U.S. Virgin Islands
3.) Bora Bora, Society Islands
4.) San Juan Island, Washington
5.) Santorini, Cyclades
6.) Isla Mujeres
7.) Moorea, Society Islands
8.) Koh Tao, Surat Thani Province
9.) Easter Island, Chile
10.) Nosy Be, Antsiranana Province
There you have it...the Top 10 Islands in the World!
![]() |
Photo courtesy of TripAdvisor |
The 9 runner's up according to TripAdvisor, are:
2.) St John, U.S. Virgin Islands
3.) Bora Bora, Society Islands
4.) San Juan Island, Washington
5.) Santorini, Cyclades
6.) Isla Mujeres
7.) Moorea, Society Islands
8.) Koh Tao, Surat Thani Province
9.) Easter Island, Chile
10.) Nosy Be, Antsiranana Province
There you have it...the Top 10 Islands in the World!
Ambergris Caye,
Top Islands,
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
The World's 50 Safest Banks
-Note #13 Westpac; Where your funds can be deposited for the purpose of a managed Forex trading account with Perfecto FX
1. KfW 26. Pohjola Bank
(Germany) (Finland)
2. Bank Nederlandse Gemeenten (BNG) 27. BNP Paribas
(Netherlands) (France)
3. Zürcher Kantonalbank 28. China Development Bank
(Switzerland) (China)
4. Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank 29. DZ Bank **
(Germany) (Germany)
5. Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations(CDC) 30. Agricultural Development Bank of China
(France) (China)
Tie* 6. Landeskreditbank Baden-Württemberg 31. CoBank AC
Förderbank (L-Bank) (United States)
Tie* 6. Nederlandse Waterschapsbank 32. National Bank of Abu Dhabi
(Netherlands) (United Arab Emirates)
7. Banque et Caisse d’Épargne de l’État 33. National Bank of Kuwait
(Luxembourg) (Kuwait)
8. Rabobank Group 34. Pictet & Cie
(Netherlands) (Switzerland)
9. NRW.Bank 35. Deutsche Bank
(Germany) (Germany)
10. Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) 36. JPMorgan Chase
(Canada) (United States)
11. Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD Bank) 37. Banque Fédérative du Crédit Mutuel (BFCM)
(Canada) (France)
Tie* 12. National Australia Bank 38. U.S. Bancorp
(Australia) (United States)
Tie* 12. Commonwealth Bank of Australia 39. DNB Bank **
(Australia) (Norway)
13. Westpac Banking Corporation 40. National Bank of Canada **
(Australia) (Canada)
14. Scotiabank (Bank of Nova Scotia) 41. Northern Trust Corporation
(Canada) (United States)
15. DBS Bank 42. Qatar National Bank **
(Singapore) (Qatar)
16. Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation 43. SAMBA Financial Group **
(Singapore) (Saudi Arabia)
17. United Overseas Bank 44. La Banque Postale **
(Singapore) (France)
18. Caisse centrale Desjardins 45. Bank of Taiwan **
(Canada) (Taiwan)
19. HSBC Holdings Tie* 46. Shizuoka Bank
(United Kingdom) (Japan)
20. Nordea Bank Tie* 46. Banco del Estado de Chile (BancoEstado) **
(Sweden) (Chile)
21. Australia and New Zealand Banking Group (ANZ) 47. Barclays Group
(Australia) (United Kingdom)
22. Svenska Handelsbanken 48. Crédit Agricole
(Sweden) (France)
23. Bank of Montreal (BMO) 49. Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ
(Canada) (Japan)
24. Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC) 50. Banco Santander
(Canada) (Spain)
25. BNY Mellon
(United States)
*A tie is assigned when two banks with the same score have total assets within a $5 billion range.
PR date: Global Finance Magazine March 1, 2012
Ratings as of: February 22, 2012
Read more: http://www.gfmag.com/tools/best-banks/11661-worlds-50-safest-banks-april-2012.html#ixzz2RGAj21eY
Under Creative Commons License
-Note #13 Westpac; Where your funds can be deposited for the purpose of a managed Forex trading account with Perfecto FX
1. KfW 26. Pohjola Bank
(Germany) (Finland)
2. Bank Nederlandse Gemeenten (BNG) 27. BNP Paribas
(Netherlands) (France)
3. Zürcher Kantonalbank 28. China Development Bank
(Switzerland) (China)
4. Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank 29. DZ Bank **
(Germany) (Germany)
5. Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations(CDC) 30. Agricultural Development Bank of China
(France) (China)
Tie* 6. Landeskreditbank Baden-Württemberg 31. CoBank AC
Förderbank (L-Bank) (United States)
Tie* 6. Nederlandse Waterschapsbank 32. National Bank of Abu Dhabi
(Netherlands) (United Arab Emirates)
7. Banque et Caisse d’Épargne de l’État 33. National Bank of Kuwait
(Luxembourg) (Kuwait)
8. Rabobank Group 34. Pictet & Cie
(Netherlands) (Switzerland)
9. NRW.Bank 35. Deutsche Bank
(Germany) (Germany)
10. Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) 36. JPMorgan Chase
(Canada) (United States)
11. Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD Bank) 37. Banque Fédérative du Crédit Mutuel (BFCM)
(Canada) (France)
Tie* 12. National Australia Bank 38. U.S. Bancorp
(Australia) (United States)
Tie* 12. Commonwealth Bank of Australia 39. DNB Bank **
(Australia) (Norway)
13. Westpac Banking Corporation 40. National Bank of Canada **
(Australia) (Canada)
14. Scotiabank (Bank of Nova Scotia) 41. Northern Trust Corporation
(Canada) (United States)
15. DBS Bank 42. Qatar National Bank **
(Singapore) (Qatar)
16. Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation 43. SAMBA Financial Group **
(Singapore) (Saudi Arabia)
17. United Overseas Bank 44. La Banque Postale **
(Singapore) (France)
18. Caisse centrale Desjardins 45. Bank of Taiwan **
(Canada) (Taiwan)
19. HSBC Holdings Tie* 46. Shizuoka Bank
(United Kingdom) (Japan)
20. Nordea Bank Tie* 46. Banco del Estado de Chile (BancoEstado) **
(Sweden) (Chile)
21. Australia and New Zealand Banking Group (ANZ) 47. Barclays Group
(Australia) (United Kingdom)
22. Svenska Handelsbanken 48. Crédit Agricole
(Sweden) (France)
23. Bank of Montreal (BMO) 49. Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ
(Canada) (Japan)
24. Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC) 50. Banco Santander
(Canada) (Spain)
25. BNY Mellon
(United States)
*A tie is assigned when two banks with the same score have total assets within a $5 billion range.
PR date: Global Finance Magazine March 1, 2012
Ratings as of: February 22, 2012
Read more: http://www.gfmag.com/tools/best-banks/11661-worlds-50-safest-banks-april-2012.html#ixzz2RGAj21eY
Under Creative Commons License
Sunday, March 10, 2013
Pirate Themed Vacations
This is for all of my Parrot Head Phriends out there...I recently came across a web site featuring vacations based on a Pirate theme!!! Well Maties...this looked right up my alley! And since Belize is one of my favorite destinations, Captain Morgan's Resort is a great place to start. Captain Morgan's always gets a great review and Belize was ranked as one of the top 10 destinations for 2012...and the Mayans were wrong!!! Belize is still there, and only 2 hours from Miami.
Picture yourself out on this beauty!
Drinking lot's of Rum!!
Or on this beauty...the M/S G&G based in Europe!
Charter this one with a crew and do a Pirate themed vacation cruise!

And end up looking, dressing and acting like this!!
<-------------------- p="">
I'm pretty certain that you have to provide your own Wenches!!!!
This one can be found at FLuxuryWorld
So go have some fun...find a Pirate themed vacation or charter a sail boat for the real adventure...and tell 'em SkipJack recommended it to you!!!-------------------->
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Belize, A Truly Natural Choice
Commonly referred to in travel
circles as "Mother Nature's Best Kept Secret", Belize is truly
a tropical paradise. An exotic tropical paradise that now opens it's doors to
all your dreams of adventure and new experiences.
Everyone around the world dreams about traveling to an exotic, tranquil locale,
complete with sun-drenched beaches and limitless activities on land and in beautiful
tropical waters. Belize boasts all this and more, not only for retirement, but as
a family destination as well. Belize is well known as a travel destination
around the world for the tropical climate, the official language of Belize
being English and of course, world class diving.
Belize also prides itself in providing schools
with high academic standards and a reputation for excellence, excellent health
care facilities, historic homes, convenient local shopping and most importantly
warm and welcoming neighbors.
Belize is on the Caribbean coast, between Mexico and Guatemala and offers an intriguing mix of tropical forests, an extraordinary mix of wildlife, unbelievable mountains, intriguing Maya temples, and diving and fishing experiences beyond comparison. In a single day you can go from tropical forest to the longest barrier reef in the Western Hemisphere.
With the inception of the Retired Persons Incentive Program, Belize is rapidly becoming known as a fabulous and affordable retirement destination.
Belize is on the Caribbean coast, between Mexico and Guatemala and offers an intriguing mix of tropical forests, an extraordinary mix of wildlife, unbelievable mountains, intriguing Maya temples, and diving and fishing experiences beyond comparison. In a single day you can go from tropical forest to the longest barrier reef in the Western Hemisphere.
With the inception of the Retired Persons Incentive Program, Belize is rapidly becoming known as a fabulous and affordable retirement destination.
Belize’s natural environment, as
well as the culturally diverse and warm people, are only few of the reasons to
retire in Belize. A few more reasons to consider Belize...
- Tax Breaks
- English Speaking
- Good Educational System
- Sub-tropical Climate all Year Long
- Easy Access to Land for Development and Construction of Retirement Home
- Close Proximity to the US, Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean
- Strong Stable Belize Dollar
- Abundance of Natural Resources
- Breathtaking Beauty
To attract foreign investment Belize has created a
program to reduce taxes and simplify residency for North Americans who wish to
live part-time or full-time in Belize. The program is called the Qualified Retired
Persons (QRP) program. You only need to be 45 to take advantage of the
incentives and are only required to live in Belize for a total of 30 days each
year which can even be split across multiple visits. Qualified retirees are
eligible for benefits including expedited residency status and various tax exemptions.
If you are not quite ready to retire, but want to
buy in Belize, learn how to use your IRA to own in Belize. And if you have any
questions, feel free to contact us and we’ll be happy to answer any questions
you might have.
Happy travels!
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Milagro del Mar Resort in Nicaragua Resumes Construction After Waiting Patiently for World Market to Rebound

Milagro del
Mar Resort in Nicaragua
Resumes Construction After Waiting Patiently for World Market to Rebound
Milagro del Mar Beach & Golf Resort on
Nicaragua’s Pacific Coast restarts construction on luxury condos, launches an
eco-community and prepares to announce a major international hotel partner
San Diego Beach, Nicaragua -- After throttling
back its activities in 2009 in response to the economic downturn, the team at
Milagro del Mar Beach & Golf Resort is now pressing ahead with an
aggressive relaunch strategy. Construction of the Ocean Village
luxury condominiums is back on track, an innovative eco-community is underway
and new custom homes are under construction. An announcement also is coming
soon on the addition of an international hotel partner.
As it
begins this new evolution, Milagro del Mar in
already features existing beachside condominiums and a number of private homes
on approximately 500 acres of oceanfront property along the Pacific Coast of
Nicaragua. A nine-hole golf course is open for play, with an additional
nine-hole layout planned for the next phase of expansion. Eventually, the
resort will feature the Country Club of Milagro del Mar, offering golf, tennis,
fine dining and other recreational activities.
amenities currently include an oceanfront restaurant, a surf shop and ready
access to two world-class breaks, a stable offering horseback riding, and La Vida Nica, an on-site concierge group that provides
services to property owners and resort visitors. With rentals and packages
available, Milagro del Mar has become a favored vacation destination for
individuals and families from throughout Central America, the United States and Canada.
were able to weather the downturn and actually benefit from it in terms of
additional planning and the opportunity to expand our land holdings,” says
Roger Keeling, who heads The Keeling Group (TKG), which is developing the new
Milagro del Mar. “We were able to put new financing in place and are now
pushing forward quickly in what we feel is a rapidly improving market. We also
are benefiting from the strong economic expansion here in Nicaragua, which is seeing
significant gains in outside investment and tourism, as well as phenomenal
growth in its GNP.”
master plan was substantially revised and expanded after TKG acquired
properties and amenities that were previously part of Gran Pacifica, a master
development. The revamped plan still centers around the newly named Ocean Village luxury condos, a neighborhood of
two- and three-bedroom luxury condominiums and villas situated on land sloping
toward the ocean. The first condominiums are set for completion in the first
quarter of 2014. The village also will contain a luxury hotel.
also are underway in Milagro Verde, an
innovative eco-community designed “to provide green living without sacrificing
luxury.” The “right-sized” single-family homes utilize geothermal heating and
cooling, and passive solar water heating.
del Mar also offers homesites adjacent to the ocean in the San Diego Viejo
neighborhood and along the golf course. The resort community already contains a
number of custom homes and casitas.
interest we’re receiving has been very positive, and more and more people are
expressing the desire to come for one of our special in-country tours to learn
more about Nicaragua
and what we’re doing here,” Keeling says.
to Keeling, both Nicaragua
and destinations such as Milagro del Mar are gaining momentum from improving
markets. The country has experienced steady upward trends in most sectors of
its economy, and its recognition is spreading as a safe and welcoming place to
visit, invest and live. Keeling points out the appeal of the low cost of
living, available healthcare and favorable tax laws to retirees seeking to
maximize their funds, while noting that there also are many “value seekers” who
have recognized the lucrative investment opportunities in Nicaragua.
to say, it’s exciting to crank up our activities again,” Keeling says. “It
wasn’t easy to wait, but it certainly was the right thing to do and now ideally
positions us to move forward and create new momentum. It’s often said good
things come to those who wait. For us, we now believe better things are coming
for those who have waited.”
About Milagro Del Mar Beach & Golf Resort
del Mar Beach & Golf Resort is located on
the Pacific Coast of Nicaragua, approximately one hour west of Managua. The resort offers
a wide selection of amenities and activities including golf, surfing, horseback
riding, guided eco-tours and oceanfront dining. A range of real estate options
are available, as well as rental properties, including condominiums, homes and
casitas. Complete information is available at www.milagrodelmar.com
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Top Ten Reasons Why the Caribbean is Number One for Weddings and Honeymoons
With wedding season coming up, and having been married for about 100 years (uh, sorry honey, it actually feels like just yesterday! :~) I thought it would be a good time to have our guest author, Tiffany Mullins share some of her thoughts and insights on why the Caribbean is so popular...thanks for your contribution Tiffany!
All inclusive Caribbean vacations are a popular choice, renowned for the
sparkling sandy beaches, friendly locals and rich island history. But did you
know that these famous isles are also the number one choice for many couples’ weddings
and honeymoons? It’s easy to see why – we’ve compiled a list of the unique
elements that make the Caribbean an ideal destination for two people in love:
1. Romance and Luxury
The Caribbean is one of the most romantic
destinations on Earth, making it an ideal fit for weddings and honeymoons. The
breathtaking scenery of the sparkling Caribbean Sea lapping the pristine
beaches creates a soothing, romantic ambience. With a variety of all inclusive
luxury resorts to choose from, couples can enjoy luxuries like a private
candlelit dinner in a lavish honeymoon suite – the perfect way to unwind from
all the months of wedding planning.
2. Island Hopping
are thousands of islands throughout the Caribbean Sea, each with their own unique
personality and attractions. Whether couples are seeking a calm and secluded
honeymoon, or an unforgettable cultural adventure, there is an island that will
have exactly what they’ve been searching for. For example, Jamaica offers a
colorful nightlife and a variety of attractions, while some of the beaches in Antigua
are among the most peaceful, quiet Caribbean destinations.
3. Beaches and Water Sports
Whether you’re walking Negril’s famous 7-mile beach
hand-in-hand, or just basking in the salty sea breeze while watching the sunset,
the Caribbean island beaches offer some of the best scenery around that can be enjoyed
from the pristine, sandy shores, or from the deck of a peaceful catamaran
cruise. Additionally, couples may choose from a wide array of water sports, many
of which are offered during all inclusive Caribbean vacations, including
paddleboards, snorkeling, glass bottom boat rides, aquatrikes, scuba diving and
4. Adventurous Tours and Attractions
For couples searching for the perfect balance of
laid-back relaxation and jaw-dropping adventure, the Caribbean islands offer an
exceptional blend. Possible honeymoon excursions include zip-lining and
off-roading through the rainforest, canopy tours, mountain biking, volcano
explorations, catamaran sailing, deep-sea fishing and swimming or snorkeling
with dolphins. Additionally, there are a variety of sprawling parks with
breathtaking mountains and waterfalls just waiting to be explored.
5. Room to Get Away
There are a multitude of romantic excursions to
choose from as well. Couples can wander along undisturbed beaches and marvel in
the beauty of the islands. There are even “Castaway Tours,” where couples are
left alone on an uninhabited island for a few hours with a well-packed picnic
basket and a bottle of wine.
6. Tropical Weather
a wedding or a honeymoon can be a stressful venture, even without the added
concern of the weather conditions. That’s one of the aspects of the Caribbean
that is so attractive to couples: it’s warm year-round – which is greatly
appreciated by couples from northern states or by those planning winter
weddings. On the off-chance the weather does not cooperate, the wedding party
can often be easily accommodated by changing locations to a gorgeous indoor
7. Picture-Perfect
often dream of the perfect background to complement their exchange of vows. When
your wedding is in the Caribbean, it almost doesn’t matter where you stand
because there are so many picturesque locations. Couples can choose from garden
or beach settings for their ceremonies, creating excellent backdrops for photographs
and memories that will last a lifetime.
8. Combining Weddings and Honeymoons
Celebrating weddings and honeymoons together doesn’t
just save money - it also makes the entire planning process easier and less
stressful. Weddings held at Caribbean family beach resorts are also vacations
for the guests, not to mention that the happy couple will be at their honeymoon
destination immediately after the ceremony! Instead of agonizing over themes
and menus, couples can choose activities, décor and food – all prepared by the all
inclusive resort of choice. This leaves time for the happy newlyweds to
actually enjoy the ceremony and their time together. There are even some Caribbean
and Antigua vacation packages that will provide a free standard ceremony after
the bride and groom book a specific number of nights at the hotel.
Additionally, some all inclusive resorts may provide a wedding planner to sort
out any of the other details of the big day, ensuring that it all runs smoothly.
9. Customization
many Caribbean resorts offer all inclusive wedding packages, there is still the
option for customization – upgrades and à la cart items
are often available for couples to use. This makes planning the ceremony even
easier because most of the work is already done. Depending on the type of
wedding you’re hoping for, you can customize your day to be either as elaborate
or as simple as you would like.
10. Affordability
Even though spending time in the Caribbean is sure to be a luxurious
adventure, in comparison with the average cost of an American wedding, it is
surprisingly affordable. Many all inclusive resorts often offer travel deals
for wedding parties or seasonal discounts that couples may take advantage of
when booking the trip.
The Caribbean is the most popular destination for weddings and
honeymoons, and it’s easy to see why. There are endless activities and
adventures to embark upon, and scenic views abound. Whether you’re planning a
destination wedding or honeymoon (or both!), you’ll find the picturesque
tropical setting you’ve been dreaming of in the Caribbean.
About the Author
As International Social
Media Manager for Grand Pineapple Beach Resorts (Unique Vacation, Ltd.), Tiffany
Mullins leads a team that creates new strategies for global, multi-brand social
media. In addition to managing Grand Pineapple Beach Resorts’ online community,
she also oversees the direction of Sandals and Beaches social media, including
the Sandals Wedding Blog, which brings brides and inspiration together to truly
create “Your Wedding. Your Style.” Tiffany now resides on Paradise Island in
The Bahamas. For more information on Grand Pineapple’s all inclusive resorts,
please call 1-800-327-1991 or visit www.grandpineapple.com.
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