I absolutely must give the credit to the
SunHerald .com for this article and the picture....according to the Sun Herald News, Jimmy Buffett has teamed up with the USM and toured the Gulf Coast Research Lab. JB is a 1969 graduate of the University of Southern Mississippi and Buffett told the group he is interested in strategies for creating a “voice for the Gulf of Mexico.” (Let me know if I can help, Jimmy).
Buffett has teamed with Dragonfly Boatworks of Vero Beach, Fla., to create and donate special watercraft, which the boat maker calls Shallow Water Attention Terminal boats, for the lab. Designer Mark Castlow said these 17-foot boats are capable of navigating in as little as 8 to 10 inches of water through the estuaries of Mississippi.
The SWAT boats will have laptop computers and Web cams, so anyone with an Internet connection will be able to watch live as oiled animals are rescued.
Read more:
Most know Jimmy Buffett (a.k.a., Bubba, JB and several others) to be the free-wheeling, sun-lovin' Rock-n-Roller who loves to have a great time! But Jimmy always puts his money where his mouth is, and the clubs that form around his phan-dom do a lot of the same...take for instance, the New Hampshire Parrot Head Club...many of the members are attending the Jimmy Buffett concert this weekend in Boston, and together with the Parrot Head Club of Eastern Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island I'm sure, are collecting old (or new) baby blankets to be sent to the Gulf of Mexico to aid in cleaning oiled water fowl! And it doesn't stop there!
So here is a bit more on the symptoms I have that prove my affliction with JBS, which is my own diagnosis for "Jimmy Buffett Syndrome"...(no, it's not in Wikipedia yet, so it must be my own personal affliction shared with many)
-Need to go where it's warm!
-Like cheeseburgers
-Tend to act like a Land Shark from time to time
-Like to sail off to some moonlit bay and take a holiday
-Like to get drunk and %&^#
-Admire girls in bikinis
-Love to change my attitude by changing my latitude
-And have an overwhelming desire to give back to a variety of communities, and just simply help when and where I can.
I'm sure there are others (symptoms) but I think you get the idea! Here's a guy we can ALL look up to...hat's off to you Bubba!

Hit 'em straight!