Alright, so it took me a while to write the Happy New Year post...but here it is! And this photo is where I am planning on writing next year's post from!
2009 was an interesting year, plenty has happened in the way of
Caribbean Real Estate and the developers I work with. In the spirit of the new laws about to be imposed, or at least rumored to be imposed, on blogging as a way of advertising...I'm going to come clean with my readers right here and now...I write this blog to make money! There I said it...really...this blog is meant to keep you informed about the various opportunities that I uncover and ultimately decide to represent. You can learn more at
SkipJack Marketing.
Orchid Bay in Belize is where I got my start and is the first development I became associated with, but SkipJack Marketing has become so much more...we now work with developers in 7 different countries, we have partnered with Avalon Partners on the representation of
commercial/resort/development properties throughout the Caribbean, 2 developers who offer
condominium hotels and have partnered with 2 of the world's premier
project funding companies focused on providing the commercial funds needed to help move development projects from dream...to reality!
Hell, we even have the listing for
ultra luxurious homes like this one in Turks & Caicos which is worthy of P Diddy (Sean Combs) complete with a separate "guest" quarters big enough to convert to a recording studio!
So...as SkipJack Marketing moves into 2010, I fully intend to be adjusting my latitude and ope that I can help with your latitude adjustment...when the need arises!
Hit 'em straight!
SkipJackPS: Sign up for the email newsletter (don't worry...I won't share it) to keep posted, there's more to come in 2010!