OK, so this week I read two very similar articles…both addressing the lack of vacation home sales in the Caribbean real estate market. Both articles reference different places; Roatan and Anguilla, but the current state of the industry, in both places, are the same….sales are down and new development has all but halted.
This creates a tremendous amount of opportunity for the savvy developer…how does the saying go? “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.”
This is where a new service from SkipJack Marketing comes in…
R.E.D.S.S. or Real Estate Developer Scouting Service. If you are reading this and you are an international real estate developer or hotel developer you are going to want to read this to the end.
With dozens (if not more) small developments being put on hold because of a lack of buyers, some with the plan in place, and others half way completed, there could be more opportunity than the strong company can handle. With this much out there, how does one get out and assess the many opportunities? Especially when so many will not fit within the goals of your company? How do you, as the acquisitions manager, rule out the ones that sound good, but don’t fit without going there yourself to determine this? How do you rule out possible diamonds in the rough with a visit and miss that “golden” opportunity?
This new service, specifically for real estate developers can solve this perplexing dilemma…to find out more go to
SkipJack Marketing, these guys will travel to the locale and do a very thorough preliminary check for you, and bring back a report complete with video of the Caribbean opportunity you are interested…in other words, they can help the developer out by eliminating the opportunities that do not fit with your organizations plans.
This service is so new that their site does not have the details there yet…but you can either fill out the form on the site for more info or send me an email and I will pass the info along.
These guys will go check out 3 or 4 properties in one trip…imagine the amount of time they can save you!?
Hey…hit ‘em straight…or go sit on the beach!
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